Benedict Goh
Benedict is a versatile conductor who is also an arranger, composer, accompanist and vocalist. Benedict has worked with choirs of all ages and types since 2003, from children to adult choirs, equal voices to mixed choruses. Not only does he hold a Fellowship diploma in conducting with the London College of Music, an LTCL performance diploma in piano and a distinction in Grade 8 Singing, with his training in linguistics and literature in NUS, Benedict is also able to give his choirs valuable insights into textual analysis and offer phonetic guidance to enhance their music making.
Over the past decade, Benedict has conducted the chamber choir in Singapore Raffles Music College in 2010 and took on the role of assistant conductor of the NUS choir from 2011-12. Benedict also conducted The Vocal Consort Chamber chorus and Anderson Junior College choir at “A Voyage of Songs 2013” International Choral Festival in Bangkok.
For 10 years, Benedict was the resident arranger, baritone-tenor and vocal percussionist of local premier jazz acappella group, Key Elements. He is now music director and arranger for Acappella Anonymous. His arrangements are also published by MuzikSea – a Singapore based publishing house that champions South-East Asian composers.
Benedict is currently the choral director of Raffles Girls’ Primary School, Nan Chiau Primary School, Nan Chiau High School and The Crescendos. He enjoys working with young people and hopes to inspire them with his passion and make a difference to their lives through choral education and good music-making.